White Javanese Jedi Knight

White Javanese Jedi Knight

Friday 16 September 2016

Thursday 15 September 2016

Humans of Indonesia. Lords of the Rings – Indonesians Gemstone Masters!

Perfect mix. The merger between marvelous beautiful and big (!) stones (mostly Agate Chalcedony) and the men who are wearing them. Happy, smiling, friendly, gentle Indonesians.

See this pride in their eyes! The jewel is perfectly finalizing their nature. Joyful and happy detail displaying and highlighting their mind, fantasy and imagination!

Perfect merger! Perfect popular culture! Local Folklore. Jewels are available to all. All prices levels. Colors. Forms. Sizes. Categories. The people buying and selling gemstones. Eating. Drinking. Chatting. Singing. Dancing together. Friends. Neighbors...Just simply and wonderfully beautiful Indonesia.

Indonesia Dangerously Amazing.

Ultimate tribute to the Betawi Lords of the Rings – Indonesians Gemstone Masters!

Why do I love Betawi people?
Because probably of the Highest Worldwide Smiling Density Index :))
250 million people are living in Indonesia. Half of that (120 million) on Java island. Half of that (60 million) on West Java. And half of that (30 million) around Jakarta.
And apparently ...25% of Jakarta' populations have the Betawi origins! That is the Highest Worldwide Smiling Density Index! With the biggest number of smiles per square meter :))
Mengapa saya mencintai orang Betawi?
Karena mungkin dari tertinggi Seluruh Dunia Tersenyum Density Indeks :))
250 juta orang tinggal di Indonesia. Setengah dari itu (120 juta) di pulau Jawa. Setengah dari itu (60 juta) di Jawa Barat. Dan setengah dari itu (30 juta) sekitar Jakarta.
Dan ternyata ... 25% dari populasi Jakarta memiliki asal-usul Betawi! Itu adalah tertinggi Seluruh Dunia Tersenyum Density Indeks! Dengan jumlah terbesar senyum per meter persegi :))
Humans of Indonesia.
Indonesia Dangerously Amazing

Thursday 8 September 2016

Asshole Density Index

Asshole Density Index

ADI:  Asshole Density Index and Index of Happiness. Why in Poor  Countries People Are Happy and Non-agressive?

ADI is the result of my private study. Biking in at least 70 different places. During last 10 years. 2 hours per day. Same way. Same bicycle. Same pattern. Speed. And just counting the number of agressions received from angry car drivers per hour. 

Worst place: Paris, France - 5 agressions per hour.
Best place: Jakarta, Indonesia. No single aggression during the last 5 years!

Very simple. Objective study.
Still possible to find better place than Jakarta. Like Antarctica. No humans. Can be agressed by penguins. Or worst place than Paris. Like Bagdad. Killed in 10 minutes!

If any voluntaries, you may add places and complete this study. 


And the second study made by Ipsos and published by The Economist in 2012. Index of Happiness. Number of people answering that they are Very Happy. More than 50% in Indonesia and less than 15 % in France. 

Why Rich are unable to be Happy? Why most of them are aggressive assholes?

Ok. Maybe not all of them. Not everywhere. Biking on the street is a very particular exercise. 

Instead biking if you spend 2 hours in Notre Dame Cathedral, you will probably not be agressed 5 times per hour. 

Not 5, ...but at least 4!


Happy Indonesians: