White Javanese Jedi Knight

White Javanese Jedi Knight

Wednesday 13 May 2015

Tigers in Jakarta. To many Female Idiots. Biking on dangerous Jakarta streets.

Tigers in Jakarta!!!

Too many Female Idiots!

Biking on dangerous Jakarta streets!

Third time in Jakarta. A female driver chatting on the mobile phone hit me by her car! A Female Idiot! Actually she was using 2 mobile phones in the same time and still driving! A Pure Genuine Idiot!!!

Hit by the car. Not violently. Hopefully at low speed. I'm still ok. But the first time it was 5 years ago. And I had had the last two incidents ....only in the last week! 

So the Life on Jakarta crowded streets. The Life of cyclists on Jakarta crowded streets has just become more dangerous!

Still far better than in Europe. Half of drivers in Paris, London or Warsaw are constantly drunk! 

The drunken drivers. They are really, really dangerous. Not able to control their vehicles. The drunken drivers provoke most serious accidents on the roads! Everywhere! 

Everywhere except Indonesia. Except Jakarta. With their majority Muslim population Indonesia is still quite safe country for cyclists. No alcohol. No danger!

But women? What about women? Idiots women? Chatting on their mobile phones! That's the new problem everywhere. Not only in Jakarta. 

Too many idiots! Everywhere! And we give the mobile phones to them! To all of them. And some of these Idiots try speak to 2 or 3 phones ....in the same time! 

We even let  the "Celebrity Idiots" to give us advices on "Economy" or "Politics"! 

And after, we follow their fucking advices!!!! That's even more than dangerous! 

We are also ....IDIOTS!

How to resolve the problem of Idiots? I don't know. Before. 1 million years ago we had the fucking Tigers! Everywhere. They were controlling our Human Idiots population.

Imagine Human Female 1 million years ago. Sitting in the forest and chatting over mobile phone. Not paying attention what happening nearby.  

Immediately in a few minutes devoured by a fucking Tiger!

Do we need to introduce tigers in Jakarta (and other big cities)? Just few hungry Tigers? Definitely yes! Yes! 

And the Tigers will not starve...

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