White Javanese Jedi Knight

White Javanese Jedi Knight

Sunday 10 May 2015

Why do we hate Muslims? Bad Image. Fight against it! Promote The Positive Image of Muslims. And Indonesia :))))

Why do we hate Muslims?

I can not change the World. I try only to understand.

Why Muslims are carrying such a Bad Image worldwide?

Why not other Human Groups? Religions? Ethnics? Social Classes? Chess Players? or ....Cyclists?

Why We don't hate Germans after killing millions of Jewish. Or Turkish after Armenian Genocide? Or Russians, Cambodians, Hutu ....after exterminating their own people?

Why do we hate Muslims?

Some of them are doing Very Bad things in some Very Bad places (Syria, Yemen, Afghanistan...). But its not enough. Enough to explain our hate.

Do Muslims scary us? We don't understand them?

But we don't understand Eskimo. And we dont hate Eskimo!

Muslims. They don't drink alcohol! Thats Good point! Difficult to trust somebody who doesn't drink! We don't understand Koreans! But they drink a lot. So they are OK!

Alcohol is a crucial element in All Kind of Relationships in Occidental Countries.
Simple: when you are  drunk, you are telling true!!!  So when two Strangers  start to drink there will be a moment (sometimes very a  very short moment) that both of them are drunk. Both of them are  telling true. They immediately became  Brothers! Even, if the next day they don't remember  anything :))!!!!

So The  Koreans, Eskimos, French, Americans, Polish, Russians, Japanese, Chinese, ........we open them with alcohol. Like Mussels with Water!!! How to open Muslims? Impossible! They dont drink. So we  don't trust them. We  never  trust somebody who doesn't drink!!!

Koreans, Eskimos, French, Americans, Polish, Russians, Japanese, Chinese...are OK!
Muslims are not OK!

We also hate Muslims because of their Very Bad Image!

Bad Image. Created and nourished by Media! International Powerful Media Groups!

Difficult to fight against it. Image is a Powerful Tool. It influences our Lives. Our Points of View. Our Opinions.

Look at Indonesia. Fantastic and Beautiful country. Amazing People. Amazing Hospitality. Safe. Warm. Good...And carrying Only Bad Images. Only Bad News about Indonesia: Earthquakes. Volcanos eruptions. Floods. Terrorist attacks. 200 million Muslim living here!

Ok. Its difficult to show a positive image in Volcano eruption! But yoy should try! Try to defend yourselfs. Try to show some positive images coming from Indonesia!

This is Only what You can do. To show good and positive images about your Country! About Muslims!

That's the only way to fight the Big International Media Stupid Dictatorship!!!

And Drum&Majorette National Competition Day? What a lovely example of The Positive Image coming  from Indonesia :))))


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