White Javanese Jedi Knight

White Javanese Jedi Knight

Wednesday 8 July 2015

Muslim / Not-Muslim conversation. Night chat (when I was biking) with my Muslim Friend. Ramadan time.

Muslim / Not-Muslim conversation. Night chat (when I was biking) with my Muslim Friend. Ramadan time. 

It's just one example of exchanges I had with Muslims in Indonesia. Some of them my friends. Other just Indonesians I met somewhere, sometime. 

Discussing with them. It's stunning. How Wise they are. They know exactly what is important in their lives. Most of them seems to have happy lives :))

Indonesians are better than us! 

Better than most of people in Occident (US, Europe). They have better lives. Better compared to our : God-less , purpose-less, hypocrite, non-smiling, full of alcohol, full of stress, full of greed (money-crazy), aggressive and suicidal existences.  

This night chat was during my Jakarta -Bali, 1 500km, 7 days, non-stop biking trip. 

Day 5th. Middle of the night. I'm somewhere in the mountains. East Java. Indonesia. 

While biking u are not fasting ya?

Can't. I don't eat during the day. Waiting Buka Puasa (fast breaking). But if I don't drink I would be dead in few hours. When I'm biking I'm loosing 1 liter of water per hour. Need to drink! :))

Iya impossible with that activity...he3

Still possible if I'm biking only the night :))

Impossible de faire jeune sans croiyance he3 "Impossible to fast without faith :)))"

It's true. It's difficult. But not impossible. I fasted almost 2 weeks. (For fun). Just training. With some easy solutions: like sleeping during the day. Or some funny solutions: like "drinking without drinking" while plunging regularly into the swimming pools :))

But now, with biking 24h/24h it is simply not feasible. If I don't drink. And if I lose only 10% of my body water (7 liters) I'm dead!! 7 liters for me it means 7 hours biking. 

Just the suicide!

Even if I were Muslim, I would not supposed do commit suicide! :))

Yes? Or Not?

Yes true, while we are moeslim fasting and still doing daily routine not change it...accept reduce the activity physic like sport wich can cause thirsty...

We doing sport near the time for breakfasting or at night we pray 11 or 21 rakkaat wich quite like yoga activity. 

Fasting is not only stop drinking and eating. But, is kind of gourmet for our soul...being closer and closer to Allah. 

True. But how many Muslims are truly conscious of that? 

How many are feeling their souls?

How many are able replacing their physical food by spiritual one?

It's good for our Soul. But again: you need to feel it first. And understand your Soul needs. 

I'm not a Muslim. I can't judge Muslims. 

But I'm sure, there are many Muslims not able to feel their Souls. Some of them not ready (like kids). Some of them weak characters (addicted). Etc...

Bref...fasting for us is obliged. 

If we want to be loved by Allah we must do it. Is the only one activity that can not seen by human eyes.

But we do it because we want Allah's love....this month is very special in the whole year. Its a month of mercy...we asked Allah mercy by doing fasting, read Quran more often, pray taraweh every night with our family, or go to the mosque more often than other months...means 1 month just like training center that  other months we should continue doing good acitivity like in Ramadhan...we just do it because we believe something that can not be seen by non moeslim. 

Logically  although there is logical explanation about why is good for digestion to rest 1 month...don't compare to whom revenge eating a lot at night...but its totally Allah who can see and knowing how deep of our love to him..

Yet for kids and old people...fasting just like adults its a training....Allah wants us do it happily...ready or not is a process in life. He understand what in deep in our heart....

We do it cause of love not by forced...Allah dont want us to be hurt by doing it...Allah dont want us to hurt our body...so if we can't do it, like some one is sick, Allah will hate if the person still fasting..Allah dont want us to force or hurt our body capacity.

Again its about Allah who knows the secret of the heart and Allah only can judge if someone's fasting is bad, mediocre, good or great....its not our capacity...we just train our kids  to  fasting  from young age cause the good thing should began since we are young and is gonna be easier to trained. 

But you didn't answer my question: How many of you are not able to understand this message? 

I suppose that there are some (or even more) people who simply do this (fasting) only by routine. Or because everybody else is fasting. They don't feel any need. They don't like it. But they are doing this. Scary to be rejected by society. By their families or friends. 

Do they exist? Or All Muslim in Indonesia are perfect :))?!!

Do they cheat? 

Like me. Soft cheating. Sleeping - during the day. (No need to eat when you sleep). Eating - during the night. Sometimes it's very dangerous. Imagine sleeping bus driver during his job!

Or really, really cheating by eating secretly ?

I'm just curious :))

Ha5...yess yess yess. Nobody's perfect Piotr...everyone have their owe stage or their own level....life just like a game...have different and many level. Even ustad or ustazah or corruptors they do pray but yess only ritual i agree with u...they can be example wich level we choose in this live cause we believe theres is live after death thats what keep us on track to doin right thing avoiding bad things in level live on earth....he3 c'est complique to understand by logic....

Yes, but there is  something very very exceptional in Indonesia!!

I still can't understand it! And it's not the question of logic. 

Already in Indonesia you have less idiots than in other places in the world. 

I'm safe on Jakarta streets (biking). Nobody aggressing me. That's exceptional! And good. Very good :)))

But is it your religion that makes you better? 
Maybe? Or maybe not! 
Muslim religion transforms people in other places (Irak, Syria, Afghanistan, Nigeria...) into 
ferocious Islamist fighters! Deadly and crazy fanatic killers! But maybe these Islamists are not religious? Are they?

So what is it? Religion? Why you Indonesians, You are so different? How religious you really are? 

How many Indonesians are really cheating during Ramadan? 10%, 50%? More?

I ask this question because I'm really curious!

I know that there is no ideal Society where nobody is cheating. 

Even opposite. I'm coming from Europe. Most hypocrite region in the world!

We are supposed to be Christians. But most of us are cheating. Of course there are some religious people. Who need to pray. Need to go to the church (but only once per week). Need to keep contact with God. But it's a small minority! 

My Sister is very religious. My Father never put his foot into a church. My Mother is only religious to make my Father's life miserable:) And she is trying to show to the external world that we are exemplary normal religious catholic family.  We've never been exemplary!!! :))

Since kid. I was cheating with religion. Forcing by my Mother to go to the church on Sunday I was spending that time with friends in a coffee shop. All of them cheating like me :))

And this kind of pattern is very common in Europe. In France, Germany, UK all churches are empty. Only 10% population still Christians. Most of them old. In the next 20 years probably no Christians anymore in Europe. 

That's why they are so shocked by the Muslims. Muslim immigrants arriving to Europe mostly from Arabic countries. They are bringing with them their religion. Islam. They have no places to pray. Mosques construction is forbidden. So They're praying on the streets! 

A real Religion Fight! Guerre Sainte! 

Kind of new reaction we observe now that the number of Christians in Europe is growing fast again! Temporarily. Too small. To oppose these new Muslims rising communities in Europe. 

Especially in France. That's why French are becoming so nervous. So scary. So racist ....

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