White Javanese Jedi Knight

White Javanese Jedi Knight

Wednesday 1 April 2015

Not so Stupid / Not so Bad

 Good/Bad/Stupid/Wise Theory

Very simple theory. 
After years of observation. 

People are not divided by race, religion, sex, age, social position, education level, penis length or celebrity level, ....

People are divided only in four simple categories:

1. First division: Stupid or Wise

2. Second division: Good or Bad

So if we combine these 2 divisions we actually obtain only 4 possible categories:

Good and Stupid (G+S)
Bad and Stupid (B+S)
Good and Wise (G+W)
Bad and Wise (B+W)

But these 4 groups are not equally distributed in Human Population. 

The Stupid / Wise distribution follows the Normal Distribution Curve. Gauss Curve.
Almost 70% of human population (dark blue in the middle of Gauss Curve) is simply stupid. 

Idiots. They are very homogeneously distributed all over the planet Earth. 70% of French are idiots. 70% of Americans, Koreans, Chinese, ....

Very simple method to prove it is to check what people are consuming. Everywhere. Just if you move from one country to another you may do this simple rapid observation that 70 % of all consuming products are the pure bullshit. 

Example? Media. Television. Anywhere you stop, just perform the simple test. Sheet of paper. 15 minutes. Switch on the TV.  Zap from one channel to another and class all of them into 2 categories: "interesting" and "bullshit" . Result would be always the same. Everywhere. Independently from local language barriers. More than 70% would be the pure bullshit.

So the Idiots are the most common everywhere. 

Idiots are divided into 2 categories: Good and Bad. Aggressive and Gentle. Barking and Smiling. They are: "Bad and Stupid (B+S)" and the  "Good and Stupid (G+S) ".

Good/Bad division is not following any logical pattern. French, Singaporean, Korean Idiots are very aggressive. Indonesian, Cambodian, Danish  are very gentle and non-violent. 

Why? I don't know. 

I have a very personal method to check the local density of aggressive Idiots. I call it ADI. Asshole Density Index.

More on: http://piotrjaniw1.blogspot.com/2015/10/asshole-density-index.html


First: Most of us are stupid.  Idiots. Bad or Good. But too stupid to exercise any powers!

Second: "Good and Wise" exist. But very , very Rare. Unique. Geniuses. Enlighten Leaders ( Einstein, Gandhi, ...)

Third: The Most dangerous are "Bad and Wise". Also rare. Sometimes extremely Evil and Intelligent.  Dictators. Serial Killers (Hitler, Stalin, ...)

Fourth: 70% of human population is definitely stupid and highly manipulated by "Bad and +Wise" groups: Politics, Media, Corporations, Financial Oligarchs, Thycons, Criminal Mafias....

Signed by : 

White Muslim Jedi Knight :))
Not so stupid / Not so bad :)))

Fighting against Dark Side of the Force.

Idiots are everywhere:))

Asshole Density Index

Stupefying correlation between aggressively and unhappiness. 


Leaders / Orders / Followers. 
Herd behavior. 

That's how all of this works. 

Is the tendency for individuals to mimic the actions (rational or irrational) of larger group. Individually, most people would not necessarily make the same choice. This is called herd behavior. 


So simple mechanics. 

Herd behavior. We all follow others. They follow orders. And orders are coming from leaders. 

So, we all follow leaders. Always. In any circumstance we execute even the most absurd orders. 

We follow the most stupid trends. And leaders are everywhere. In politics, religion, fashion, business, education, culture, sports, food, sex and medicine....

If leaders are good, wise and beautiful their orders are good, wise and beautiful. And all we are doing is good, wise and beautiful. 

If leaders are bad, ugly and (still) not stupid. Their orders are bad, awful and stupid. And we are doing ...bad, awful and stupid things. 

Liderzy / Rozkazy / Zwolennicy. 

Tak to wszystko działa.
W sposób prosty. Prosta mechanika. Jak budowa cepa. 

Instynkt stadny jest to tendencja do naśladowania działań (racjonalnych lub irracjonalnych) większej grupy. Indywidualnie, większość ludzi nie koniecznie dokonałaby takiego samego wyboru. To jest właśnie zachowanie stadne.

Instynkt stadny. Wszyscy podążamy za innymi. Oni wykonują rozkazy. A rozkazy pochodzą od liderów.

Czyli wszyscy podążamy za liderami. Zawsze. Bezkrytycznie. W znakomitej większości. Wykonujemy nawet najbardziej absurdalne polecenia. 

Podążamy za najbardziej głupimi trendami. A liderzy są wszędzie. W polityce, religii, modzie, biznesie, edukacji, kulturze, sporcie, kuchni, seksie i medycynie. 

Jeśli liderzy są dobrzy, mądrzy i piękni ich polecenia są dobre, mądre i piękne. A wszystko co robimy jest dobre, mądre i piękne.

Jeśli liderzy są źli, straszni i (wciąż) niegłupi. Ich rozkazy są złe, straszne i głupie. I to co robimy ... jest złe, straszne i głupie.


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